


La Perle

Azzedine Saleck

Opening and performance: February 8 at 7pm
Performance n°2: February 22 at 7pm

Exhibition open untill February 23, Tuesday-Saturday 2-7pm

24, rue Moret 75011 Paris


It was a bad day

it was a bad day
there's no bad day
it was a bad day
the day she left
she told me there's
no bad day
"there's no such thing
as a bad day"
since then I had a
few bad days
because sometimes I
forget what she says
but I never forget
about her

Azzedine Saleck




Treize bénéficie du soutien de la Ville de Paris et de la Mairie du 11ème arrondissement.

Grolsch, fidèle à son engagement dans l’art, soutiendra cet évènement.
